Thursday, September 2, 2010

Snuggle bugs

My lovely Queen Mab gave me quite a fright yesterday - an emergency vet visit was the order of the day. Relieved that she is much better and on the road to recovery!

Her brother, Frick, reclining below, is very glad she is home.

How I love them:)


  1. they are both so cute! I am so happy that Mab is doing better. What a fright that was!

  2. Oh my gosh, I just want to squeeze them and kiss them. Too cute!!

  3. What lovely cats - mine is a bit of a thug but we love them dearly don't we.

  4. Mamabeaks - she is remarkably better and I'm sure she'll be swatting Frick in no time.

    Jno - They elicit the same response in me every single day.

  5. Hermes - Thank you. No matter the quirks they have, we do dearly, dearly love them:)

    Wenche - Like a proud mother, I think so too:)

    Marta - We appreciate your well wishes!

  6. Love and healing to two of my favorite kitters ever!

  7. Robin - they love you right back and are being very "helpful" today.

  8. Fala - I'm so relieved, cannot even say:)

  9. love those babies so much, glad with all my heart Queen Mab is doing better.

  10. Jen - awww, thank you. My heart has been so full of love for both of them and a renewed appreciation of having them in my life. We've had a great weekend!

  11. She looks so much like my cat, Lily! She has that little orangey creamy bit on her chest too! Glad to hear she is ok.

  12. Wanderkin - Love the name Lily and from what you describe, she is as lovely as her name. Mab has tortoise-shell spots under her black coat too.

  13. Frick looks exactly like my Dusty girl did - I had her for 18 1/2 years. Both your kitties are so gorgeous.

  14. Julie - I can only hope they grace my life that long. Thank you - they are much adored and treasured.
