Thursday, September 16, 2010

Judging the book by its cover

Picked this up at a recent tent sale. Even though the title is Twlight of Avalon, the story is Tristan & Isolde. So far, kind of derivative of Mists of Avalon sans the magic, but I remain hopeful. 

Speaking of books...the fantastic work of H.J. Ford.


  1. Ahhh I love Waterhouse!!! I could buy the book just for the cover :D
    thanks for sharing Ford's work

  2. I often have done just that *hangs head*. HA!

    H.J. Ford is inching towards the love I have for Pyle and Evelyn Paul.

  3. I just love the Ford, one of my favourites. I rarely see them in colour - thanks. Tried to buy an original once - phew - Rackham prices.

  4. Hermes - It would be a dream to have a real one!
    On one hand, it is good that his worth is being recognized; but sad for the would-be collector!

  5. If a book has an ugly cover, I just can't bring myself to buy it! I love a good retelling of the T&I story; I named one of my sons Tristan :D

  6. Mermaiden - I'm so with you - if I can't find beautiful gilt-decorated old ones, the new ones better have good cover art!

    What a lovely name.

  7. Beautiful! I look forward to reading this one. Have you read this one?

    I remember totally buying that for the cover :-D

  8. Robin - stayed up way too late reading, but enjoying the story.

    I've not read that version! We'll have to do a book swap soon.

  9. Oh, how many times I've been seduced by a pretty book cover, only to find a not so pretty book inside! Once in a while I get lucky, though. I've never heard of H.J. Ford but his/her work is very beautiful!

  10. Cat - It was and is!!! Turning out to be a good read!

  11. Fala Cedar
    I'm very lucky in this regard. *crosses fingers*

    About the illustrator:
    Henry Justice Ford was a friend of Edward Burne-Jones, so you'll see some influence there. Mostly did beautiful fairytale book illustrations that are fantastic to say the least:) Here is a bit more info.

  12. I too found this book at a thrift shop, and judged it by its cover. It wasn't half bad, either! Just keep in mind it isn't the traditional Tristan and Isolde story (as Rosalind Miles tells in "Isolde, Queen of the Western Isles", the first book of her trilogy, or of the movie Tristan and Isolde starring Sophia Myles and James Franco.) It is also not a romance - at least not in this first volume of the this trilogy.

  13. Julie - I bought and devoured the second book in the series too; I think it came out mid-Sept. I love the Rosalind Miles trilogy and I have book one of her Guinevere saga. She spins a great tale, doesn't she?

    In the movie version, I'd so adored King Mark (Rufus for the win!)

  14. After I read the first book in the RM trilogy I bought the other two but didn't get them read. Now in order to read them I'm going to have to go back and read the first again to refresh my memory!

  15. Julie - look forward to hearing what you think of the Rosalind Miles trilogy. Hope you enjoy.
