Saturday, December 4, 2010

fonts & art

The Hind in the Wood. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1875.
Beautiful work by Walter Crane.

Soon available as a digital art collection on cd from Scriptorium Fonts!


  1. I love this, thanks for always sharing such beauty.

  2. Linda - the pleasure is all mine. M.A.B.:)

  3. Hermes - Walter Crane was amazing.

    Fala - oh YES!! Excellent idea. I'd love to have a tattoo; this would be nice leaping across one's back.

    Jno - Agreed!

  4. Oh! Never saw this before. Lovely. I agree it would make a great tattoo!

  5. Jen - I'd not seen this before either and will get the cd once available. Deer love:)

  6. 21st CS - I think one of *us* needs to get this as a tattoo:) Large and across the back, it would be magnificent.

  7. Lovely image. I like many of the artists associated with William Morris and the Arts and Crafts Movement, do you know Walter Crane's painting 'The Horses of Neptune? I think that is just wonderful.

  8. Rowan - I love the image you mention and it reminds me so much of the scene in LOTR when Arwen is taking a wounded Frodo to her father.
