Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Fairy Queene visits

Recently, Tricia over at Conversations with the Muses had a drawing where one very fortunate reader would win a gift package of her creations! Many of you know her work from a most ethereal Fairy Wedding that made the rounds on a number of social networks (you can see more of the photos on her blog). Tricia now has an Etsy shop full of her beautiful, one-of-a-kind creations!!
Tricia Fountaine Designs.
I was the most lucky winner of her drawing (my name selected by a kitty paw no less!!!) and to my delight the package was a feast for all the senses...a shrine to nature in the way of a decorated bird nest with bits and baubles; little jewel-like bags containing vintage jewelry - the fabric enough to make me jump for joy - the tags images from the Fairy Wedding; rose-scented incense, perfume oils; and since Tricia rescues cats, she thoughtfully included treats for my own Queen Mab & Frick. It really was like a visit from Titania herself! Thank you, thank you!!!


  1. :O pretty cool! awww eveything looks so romantic, nice present

  2. What a pretty package to receive, I love those little silky gauze bags.

  3. The photograph is exquisite, and that fabric made me positively drool. . . I'm just going to have to wander over and have a look-see.

  4. Well if you and the kitties are not the sweetest! Thank you for your very kind words... I enjoyed so much putting it all together for you, Queen Mab and Frick. The photos you took make it all look even better,

  5. Congratulations! What beautiful goodies you received. Tricia does such lovely fairy work. :)

  6. Aren't you lucky! All your gifts are lovely.

  7. Thanks everyone!!! I most definitely feel very fortunate.

  8. Congrats on winning Tricia's lovely work! And thank you for becoming a supporter of my Blog. I have now discovered your beautiful Blog and am enchanted by your Medeival Architecture Posts especially. And what adorable Fur Babies you have!

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  9. Hermoso blog,para perderse y encontrarse.
    Un saludo desde España.

  10. Bohemian - thank you so very much!!!

    Simonetta - thanks for stopping by!
