Thursday, May 26, 2011

Post birthday wrapup

I celebrated a semi-epic birthday on the 18th and spent the entire day in the woods, just wandering with my thoughts. Before I even set foot in the woodlands, I saw a black bear. In town! An owl, mallard ducks, squirrels, great blue heron and rabbit rounded out the day. My dear friend Robin told me I should make some sort of animal totem out of all the wildlife encounters! A few of my fav shots of the day.


  1. So loved all of these. What a magical and beautiful birthday! I am especially in love with Mr. Heron. :-)

  2. Thank you so much Robin, for making my day even more special:)

  3. Oh my gosh, hello Mr. Turtle! I love the cool little stream. Such loveliness!

  4. Fala - Thank you so much!!! I think there have been more bear sightings here - makes me sad as they are likely looking for food as the woodlands dwindle away.

  5. Jno - and even with that heavy shell, he is a better swimmer than I am:) Indeed that stream was made of Merlin type magic!

  6. Gorgeous! Many happy returns of the day!

  7. Now THAT's a greatly abundant birthday!

  8. What a great way to spend a birthday....wandering through chasm, cave and titan woods! And all those beautiful creatures of the forest, along to wish you well. Glad you had a good birthday :)

  9. A belated very happy birthday to you! What a lovely way to spend your day... and a present of a bear no less! Definitely a totem is in order. Sending you furry hugs,

  10. WOL - thank you so very much! May has been a beautiful month here.

    Valerianna - I feel very blessed by the natural world:)

    Eric - So poetically put - sounds like song lyrics! Thank you!!

    Tricia - I so appreciate furry hugs. Many thanks:)

  11. Belated Happy Birthday! What a lovely way to spend it - I would have loved to have seen the black bear. Your photos of the heron are really beautiful, I like herons.

  12. Rowan - thank you so muc!! The black bear was a rare sighting for this area, but there have been a few in the past weeks - all near town/populated areas. Makes me sad that their territory and food supply must be compromised.

    The heron was absolutely amazing - I managed to get within 10 feet of it.

  13. I think I am going to cry, these animals are so cute! You've taken such wonderful photos, I'm very glad I have seen them! Thanks a lot for sharing!

  14. St. Ainolopa - as long as they are tears of joy! I feel so incredibly lucky each time I see a creature in their natural habitat. As you can tell, I've become a bit obsessed with taking photos of them:)

    You are most welcome. I'm sure there will be many more to come.
