Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hart to Heart

Yesterday's woodland magic!!!


  1. WOW - thank you. I was so shocked to find them out and about in 95 degree, humid weather. Perhaps they were seeking water.

    St. Ainolopa - Those ears probably heard me long before I saw them. Incredible animals.

  2. I;m sitting at my computer listening to hoof prints on the stone ledge out back.... a couple of deer are trotting through, but its dark so I can't see them. Thanks for providing the visuals... lovely!

  3. Just beautiful. A moment of magic, indeed!

  4. Valerianna - Oh, I love that!!! And anytime, anytime:)

    Lynn - I'd gone to this nature preserve hoping to catch a glimpse of beavers or river otters in their natural habitat - what a delightful surprise this was.

  5. Fala Cedar - They seem like creatures from another time and place. I was walking very quietly and saw the momma first, then the little boy - had it not been for another hiker making noise, I think they would have watched me for a long time. And yes, those little nubbins are too adorable.

  6. How amazing! They are so truly beautiful. :) Thank you for sharing these photos!

  7. Faerie Moon Creations - happy to share my joy in spotting them:)

  8. Such lovely shots, especially the last, a fabulous portrait, so fine and other-worldly like you say. Thank-you for the magic.

  9. Enchanted Blue Planet - thanks for stopping by. I'd been hoping to see deer out in the forest for some time now - a most wonderful gift:)
