Thursday, November 4, 2010

White Hart II

Day two of the White Hart...inspired by Waterhouse’s The Mystic Wood.
I so LOVE this!!!
Waterhouse's The Mystic Wood necklace by Parrish Relics. Photo by Jennifer Parrish.
Thrift-store box, decoupaged and embellished into a purse by me.
Camellia from my autumn garden by Mother Nature!


  1. Wow! I just passed out from the gorgeousness of this new relic! I love the white deer and I love the shape of this. It looks like a large piece too. I bet you look gorgeous in it. I can't wait to see what beautiful clothes you pair up with this!

  2. Mamabeaks - I do believe it will inspire a new goddess-like costume!

  3. Hurrah, trifecta of M.A.B. :-)
    Can't wait to see you modeling your new Relic. and I love what you did with the purse :-) That flower is gorgeous; I bet it smells lovely.

  4. Robin - thanks to the 3rd power! The flowers do indeed smell divine, but they are taking a beating in the rain.

  5. I am such a HUGE Waterhouse fan. These pieces are absolutely gorgeous, and the pendant is just stunning! I've added you to my favorite creative blogs list :-)

  6. Mermaiden - getting the necklace in the mail yesterday was a thrilling thing indeed!

  7. Angela - Thank you on all counts!!! I saw Waterhouse's exhibit earlier in the year in Canada with Jen Parrish & her husband. To get a close-up view of The Lady of Shalott and Tristan & Isolde was near overwhelming. Would love to see this work sometime, but looks like I have to go to Australia to do so.

  8. Wow! I love both creations...I mean, all three!! Four, counting Waterhouse's painting!

  9. Me - His painting is certainly inspiring! I'm most lucky to have creative friends. And thank you:)

  10. I love the post especially the Waterhouse piece. I really love Waterhouse and was lucky enough to go to the exhibition at The Royal Academy in London last year.It was so marvellous to see so many of his works and his sketchbook s too

  11. Angela - I think that was the same traveling exhibition that I saw. Indeed his body of work and the studies/sketches beside the finished paintings were incredible to see.

  12. Aww, so glad you like it. Thanks again for being my brilliant graphic designer! (and an amazing, inspirational friend.) can't wait to see it on you!

    that whole setting is so lush, the vase you put the lovely flowers in, the background. speaking of lush settings, did you see the new Fairy Party? omg.

  13. Jen - I've pretty much worn it non-stop since it arrived and I've been sketching out a Forest Queen/Protector of the Deer costume (maybe for Spoutwood:)

    Oh.My. She has outdone herself again!!!

  14. I fell in love with your blog. It is simply magical and beautiful :) I love the Middle Ages and costume movies. I will definitely visit regularly :)

  15. CarrieEllen - thank you so much!

    Anna - Glad you stopped by for a visit. Look forward to seeing you! And thanks:)

  16. Stunning work on BOTH counts. I'm in awe!!

  17. Midnight Muse - Thank you!!! I'd truly love to see the original painting up close.

  18. Jno - Thanks, you'll see it in person.

  19. Sighs, i have fallen in love with both the necklace & your purse, beautiful x

  20. Rutie -I think I'm a lucky woman! Thanks.

  21. Fala - it is mine as well. The painting has such depth, like you can step right into the forest.
    Thank you!
