Sunday, October 3, 2010

Owl Guardians

Gifted to me by thoughtful friend, Linda, this little owl stands guard on a little box holding one's deepest desires.
from Gaelsong

Guardians of the animated sort that I hope to see this week.


  1. Mamabeaks - thank you so much for this lovely addition to my collection - before I even had a collection:)

  2. I have a box just like that one, and when I saw yours I went to find mine, looked inside, and found a ring I thought I'd lost. I haven't looked in the box or seen the ring for about three years. Thankyou, much appreciated!


  3. I've put a photo of my owl box and the ring at the end of my current post, and linked back to you - hope that's OK?

  4. inthisquietlife - How amazing!!! and I love this type of encounter and outcome. So glad you found your ring.

  5. adorable~!

    I hope to see that film this week also, wish we could go together. In spirit! Ed usually cannot see 3-D, but we are going to try~ see if the new technology helps. :)

  6. Jen - that would be so much fun to see it together. YES, in spirit:) I've never been to 3-d movie!

  7. Fala Cedar - thanks!!! I'd love to hear a pair of them communicate. Maybe you'll have owl babies nearby:)

  8. How have I not heard of this movie??

  9. Jno - it really hasn't been publicized very much and I'm shocked to see it offered in my local theatre.
