First, let me just say that I'm experiencing one technical difficulty after another with blogger. It seems they removed the "follow" feature and urge one to add urls. I get an error message when I attempt that, some old ones don't work, and now it says my browser is no longer supported. I really dislike upgrades and "fixes" when things are working fine for me. So, forgive me for not keeping in touch with you all; I'll try to remedy that and vow to not let another month slip by.
We've had a major heat wave in NC topping out at 107 or so - like many parts of the country;
but I did manage to get out and about to enjoy nature t
he week before.
It was cool and lovely for about 2 days. I now have a rabbit who visits and is often side-by-side with the squirrels eating
beneath the bird feeder. Such magical creatures.