Monday, July 18, 2011

In honor of Harry Potter weekend...

I drove to a nearby town to see the owls of CLAWS, Inc. - a NC rescue group that does amazing, spirit-lifting work for animals and birds - some are permanently disabled and unable to ever be released back to the wild, like this group of owls. Truly wonderful to see these magical and magnificent creatures up close.
short-eared owl
screech owl
barn owl

American Kestral


  1. OOOOO... or rather, whooooo! Wonderful, I so love big birds - well, and small ones, too! What an experience that must have been!

  2. Ahhh I love owls!! Those ones are so beautiful!! Majestic birds

  3. Owls are wonderful birds, we have an owl sanctuaries in this area and they usually have a stand at local agricultural and country shows. I always spend time there admiring them.

  4. Oh my! How beautiful are these birds! Birds of prey are some of my favorites. The owls are gorgeous and the kestrel's sweet face belies its true predator instinct.

    Great photos! :)

  5. those owls are so magical and gorgeous..... so glad that you got to go to that event.

  6. Always loved Owls - what beautiful pictures.

  7. Thank you all so much. I've an almost nightly owl visitor in my own yard...have heard it but not seen it yet! If it is inviting me to Hogwarts, the answer is a resounding YES!

  8. Saw the last Harry Potter last night,we will miss the world of Hogwarts and the wonderful acting and effects. The owls are wonderful,lovely pictures!

  9. Angela - I'm sad this is the last movie too, but look forward to the dvd and watching them all over and over. Would I'd love to visit the theme park as well.

  10. I love them all, but screech owls are so tiny and darling :D

  11. Me - I have to say, that one stole my heart too. His handler scratched his wee head and he closed his eyes in sheer delight. Adorable. Cannot believe how tiny he was either - only 6" tall or so.

  12. Oh how amazing!!!! I love going to bird/raptor rehabs. These are beautiful photos. My favorite is the barn owl - I adore their heart-shaped faces.

  13. FaerieMoonCreations - It was a wonderful experience to see them up so very close and breeds that we don't have in the wild here in NC. The heart-shaped face of the Barn House is extraordinary!

  14. Beautiful birdies!

  15. lostcitadel - They were so incredible up close!

  16. The little kestrel is so charming.

  17. WOL - She was a beauty! and named Princess Di to boot.

  18. I was up in Banner Elk ,NC this weekend doing an art show and these people were there with about 6 of the birds. The owls were just marvelous!

  19. Jeri - how awesome is that!!!! They do amazing work.
